Artist Books | Fine Art | Holiday Cards | Envelopes | Event Calligraphy | Garden Art & Wall Writing
Artist Books
Handmade books are a delight to make, and a wonderful way to use calligraphy as an alternative to framed pieces of work. There are so many ways to fold paper and bind a book! It is possible to use papers and materials that wouldn’t work for a standard framed piece. Here are a few of my calligraphic artist books.

These four pages of eco-dyed paper were lotus-folded prior to the dyeing process. I then assembled them and wrote the poem diagonally across the center of each page with walnut ink in Italic.

My eco-dyed paper is used for the cover and pages with a line of text on each page in Uncial using a bright orange gouache.

I used a piece of my eco-dyed paper to create this alternative version of a concertina and wrote the Mary Oliver poem in Italic with white gouache.

This circular book is created from 26 two-piece units, each with a letter of the alphabet framed within.

This paper was dyed with walnut ink and watercolor before folding into this triangular meander book with pop-up tags for the small amount of text. It fits into the origami box with the folded crane on top.